特殊教育 with P–12 Teacher Certification


特殊教育专业的教师资格证书将培养你成为一名具有知识和技能的教师,为残疾学生设计和实施适当的教育. 你必须主修特殊教育:初级重点认证或特殊教育:中级重点认证.

To become a P–12 certified Washington state 特殊教育 teacher, 你必须完成初级重点认证或二级重点认证, which requires admission to the 教育学院 as well as to your major. 您还将被要求在SPU完成额外的内容,以获得国家规定的双重认可. 您的指导老师和教育学院的认证官员将指导您完成这些要求和流程. Contact them for guidance as soon as possible once you enroll at SPU.

  • A minimum 111 credits are required for the major with P–12 certification, 包括77个高年级学分.
  • 最低成绩为C (2).0)是必需的 in all courses that apply toward teacher certification.
  • If you are an incoming student interested in the 特殊教育 major, and you listed 特殊教育 as your first-choice major, you are admitted to the program along with admission to SPU. 这将确保您收到有关特殊教育项目要求的建议和信息.
  • Acceptance to the Residency Teacher Certification Program is separate 从录取到专业. Plan to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8 so you can apply for admission to the 教育学院.
  • 如果你是转学生, 你必须在实习前完成至少15个特殊教育课程的高年级学分.
  • SPU的本科实习教师认证计划需要在内容领域的第二背书 for teacher candidates pursuing an endorsement in 特殊教育.
  • 第二个认可领域 will include 30–40 credits in addition to the major, some of which may fulfill general education requirements.
  • 你将在这两家公司实习 特殊教育 and your second endorsement area.
  • 特殊教育专业要求 是由 程序的椅子.
  • The P–12 特殊教育证书 特殊教育小学和中学教师的要求由教育学院维持 认证办公室 并按重点列出.


华盛顿州要求想要获得特殊教育背书的教师候选人还必须获得第二份背书.g., 小学 Education, 英语 Language Arts, Math, etc.) in order to receive their Residency Teacher Certificate. 而特殊教育认可的学生有资格在P-12的环境中教书, 第二背书区域需要在小学阶段(幼儿园到8年级)或中学阶段(初中或高中)获得。. 你需要在专业中选择初级重点课程或二级重点课程, based on the second endorsement area you will complete.

If you are not sure which endorsement or emphasis track they should pursue, contact the 特殊教育 major advisor or the 认证办公室 协助作出决定.


If you pursue the 特殊教育 小学 Emphasis track, 您需要满足基础教育的最低内容知识才能获得此背书. 以及特殊教育专业的必修课程和教师教育计划的要求, 你将额外完成37-38个学分的课程,以满足国家对基础教育能力的要求. 这些课程, 下面列出的, along with courses in the 特殊教育 major and the teacher education program, will fulfill SPU’s 研究性课程 requirements. 

  • 以下两项:ART 3546 (3), MUS 3501 (3), TRE 3800(3)或任何5学分WKA(满足WKA)
  • HHP 3510: Teaching Physical Education (5)
  • ENG 3334: Multi-Ethnic Literature (5) (Fulfills WKH)
  • BIO 2571: Introduction to Biology (5) (Fulfills WKFS)
  • PHY 2567: Development of Concepts in Physical Science I (3) (Fulfills WKAS, 当与PHY 2568结合使用时)
  • PHY 2568: Development of Concepts in Physical Science II (4) (Fulfills WKAS, 当与PHY 2567结合使用时)
  • HIS 2502: The United States to 1876 (5) (Fulfills WKSS)
  • HIS 3600: Pacific Northwest 历史 (5) (Fulfills WE)

查看 完整的需求 P-12特殊教育:基础教育重点,基础教育第二背书. 请注意,所有符合认证要求的课程都需要C或更高的成绩, 不管主要要求是什么. Transfer students may be able to take fewer courses than listed, depending on courses they have transferred to SPU.

The 认证办公室 recommends these classes because they fulfill the current 小学 Education endorsement’s content requirements. 请注意, 然而, that these requirements can change due to state legislation, 因此,与认证办公室合作,确保所选课程符合州要求是很重要的. 通过访问Peterson Hall 300前台与认证顾问预约, 或发邮件 soe-cert@luyifamily.com.


如果你希望你的第二背书是在初中或高中水平, you may select between 英语 Language Arts or Math. If you are interested in a different endorsement area, contact the 认证办公室 to discuss what other options may be available.

您将需要满足您所选择的第二背书的最低内容知识. 这包括大约30个额外的学分,无论是英语语言艺术背书或数学背书. 英语语言艺术认可的必修课程可以在“认证-英语语言艺术内容课程”部分找到 这个文档. 赌博十大靠谱软件数学背书,请联系 soe-cert@luyifamily.com 以确定所需的课程. 请注意,所有课程都需要达到“C”或更高的成绩才能获得认证, 不管主要要求是什么. Transfer students may be able to take fewer courses than listed, 取决于转到SPU的课程.

华盛顿州要求教师候选人通过他们的课程达到一套特定的能力. 这些能力可以改变, 因此,与认证办公室合作,确保课程目前适合满足州要求是很重要的. 尽快与认证顾问预约,通过在Peterson Hall 300的前国有企业办公室停下来或发电子邮件来制定学习计划 soe-cert@luyifamily.com.


In order to earn a degree, you must complete at least one academic major. SPU encourages students to explore various academic paths, so if you change your mind about a major or minor, 或者想要包含一个额外的程序, 你可以这样做, 如下所述.

请注意,大学鼓励你在大三开始时进入你选择的专业和辅修专业. 转学为三年级和四年级的学生应在SPU的前两个季度内进入一个专业.

  • 如果这是你在西雅图大学的第一节课 并且你在申请大学的时候把特殊教育专业作为你的第一选择, 你已经进入专业了.
  • To change to or add a major or minor in this department, 遵循以下说明.
  • The University requires a grade of C- or better in all classes that apply to a major or minor; 然而, programs may require higher minimum grades in specific courses. You may repeat an SPU course only once for a higher grade.
  • 为了在这个项目中取得进展, meet with your faculty advisor regularly to discuss your grades, 课程进展, and other indicators of satisfactory academic progress. 如果你的成绩或其他因素表明你可能无法成功完成主修或辅修课程, your faculty advisor can work with you to explore options, which may include choosing a different major or minor.
  • You must complete the major or minor requirements 在你进入主修或辅修专业的那一年,在SPU本科目录中有效.


SPU的本科教师认证课程符合华盛顿州认证的教育要求. Each state has different professional licensure and certification requirements. 资格认证/执照可能涉及的不仅仅是完成学位,还可能包括专业考试, 背景调查, 和指纹. The requirements for certification/licensure can change without notice.

国家专业许可委员会根据个人提交许可申请时的规章制度,对个人是否有资格获得许可做出最终决定. 在这里查找信息 about certification/licensure in the state where you intend to teach.